Monday, August 16, 2010

Assignment 1

1. What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur?

A technoprenuer is an entrepreneur who is technology savvy, creative, innovative, dynamic, dares to be different and take the unexplored path, and very passionate about their work. Technopreneur is come from 2 words Technologhy and Entrepreneur. It means a business that using technology as their business model. Steve Jobs is an obsessive creature with a volcanic temper and likes to make his own decision. He embraced the personality of being perfectionism and total faith in his intuition to triumph against steep odds. And he has become a self-made billionaire. But there are a host of issues with Jobs, which experts believe, his peers shouldn’t be learning from him.

The factors that contributed to the success of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur are the following: Steve’s perfectionism that are driving Apple’s success. He has a great ability to get others excited about fulfilling a vision. He generates far more press by keeping secrets than revealing them. And where some people see a negative trait like obsessive, fanatical attention to detail, others see an admirable refusal to compromise. Jobs is an elitist who thinks most people are bozos but he makes gadgets so easy to use, a bozo can master them. He has a reputation as a terrible screamer and shouter, but not enough has been made of his incredible charm and passion. He’s a mercurial obsessive with a filthy temper—but he forges deep partnerships. This has more to do with Apple’s success than yelling at people.

Steve’s works hard to get people to “buy in” to his vision. He does this by arguing and debating everything the company does, from new product designs to new looks for its software. They go backwards and forwards until everyone is convinced the idea (or design, or interface) is a good one. After they “buy in,” to the idea, they’ll defend it to death. Jobs once used to throw substandard work in people's faces and call it "shit" until it was done right. In short, Jobs's ceaseless pursuit of perfection has become its own process that is used throughout the company and will continue to be, no matter who is in charge.
Jobs is a powerhouse right now because he studied Gates' ability to embrace and extend and has successfully coupled that with his trademark sense of style that Gates himself admits to wishing he had. For Jobs, innovation has little to do with the amount of investment and capital you have available to finance new research and development.

“I want to put a dent in the universe,” Jobs once said. From the Apple I to the MacIntosh to the iPod, Jobs has come virtually close to achieving his goal, managing to make a name for himself in all of the business, entertainment and technological worlds.

What did it take for him to get to the top?

Faith: Jobs didn’t always know what he was doing in life. A college dropout, many gave up on him and had little faith in his abilities. But, Jobs didn’t give up on himself. He continued pursuing avenues that he found interesting, trusting that in the end it would be more meaningful and even perhaps useful. He soon learned that everything in his life, even the most terrible things, seem to happen for a reason and he is now able to place a certain amount of trust in the uncontrollable.

Passion: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work,” says Jobs. From his first days working at his father’s workbench, Jobs knew that his future lay in the creation of things. It wasn’t until he met Wozniak in 1968 that he knew what those things were – personal computers. Despite failures such as Apple III and being fired from the company he helped found, Jobs managed to come back out on top because he knew that he didn’t want to devote his life to anything but his passion.

Courage: After being diagnosed with cancer and facing the threat of death, Jobs made a recovery and vowed to make the most of the second chance that he was given. He kept his eyes and ears open and had the courage to seize new opportunities as they came along. Whether risky or outright foolish, Jobs was from then on out determined to follow his intuition in guiding his business decisions. And, at a net worth of over $4 billion, it paid off.

Innovation: When other CEOs were focusing on sales and financing, Jobs was concerning himself with the next big thing. Personally meeting with suppliers and suppliers’ suppliers, Jobs made it his top priority to keep on top of the next frontier. By filling his company with only the brightest of people, Jobs continues to work towards ensuring Apple a place at the top of the market for years to come.

Vision: An open mind and the ability to put new twists on old techniques was one of the key distinguishing factors between Jobs and his competitors. From cute and utilitarian ads to those that appealed to counterculture rebellion, Jobs’ vision was integrated into every aspect of the company’s strategy. If you dreamed of changing the world, then Jobs was out to prove any way he could that you needed an Apple computer to do it.

From being thought of as a one-hit wonder for his role in founding Apple Computer in the 1970s to rebounding with Pixar and once again rejuvenating Apple, Jobs has time and time again demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity. And, he shows no signs of stepping down any time soon. “I think we’re having fun. I think our customers really like our products. And we’re always trying to do better.”

With a reputation for being a hardnosed perfectionist, Jobs believes that having the best and the brightest workers behind him was one of his biggest success factors.

2. How do you see yourself as a technopreneur?

In the introduction, I said that 'I am a small time entrepreneur.' When I was a kid, my family had a business and as I observed them, they work hard so that our business will grow, to gain more customers and also. business is fun and challenging. That's why I love business. And I want to have a business in my own. Having a business
in our own way is not easy. There are some factors to be considered. For me, you have to think first if you really want to have a business, also what will be your business and to have a good understanding about business matters. But the one important factor is the money. Business involves money. Yea right! You should know how to handle money. And starting a business is an exciting but demanding task.

Well, an entrepreneur is the one who is willing to own and operate and take the risk of operating any business. He is the one who manages all the factors of production to carry on with production. But with time, the purview of the word entrepreneur changed dramatically and it became a comprehensive word signifying a lot of different aspects of business.

Technopreneurship is a term which is generally used for software companies.

Technopreneurs are entrepreneurs who are into the core businesses involving technology-based industries. They make use of technology to come out with new or innovative products through a process of commercialisation. The businesses are generally marked with high growth potential and high leverage of knowledge and intellectual property. Potential
Technopreneurs must be equipped with both technical and business skills.

A technopreneur distinguishes logic from tradition, tradition from prejudice, prejudice from common sense and common sense from nonsense while integrating a variety of ideas from diverse groups and disciplines.
A unique community is established where all incubators become part of a shared network, thus providing them with valuable opportunities for new ventures, knowledge, and expertise on a common platform. A knowledge-based platform is established with various including business advisory, incubation and start-up programmes, as well as business enrichment services.

So, if you want to be a technopreneur, start with assessing yourself, if you are really for it. And be very honest about it. You can't cheat yourself. What are your interests? Are you really interested in being a technopreneur or are you joining the bandwagon? Do you have the aptitude to be a technopreneur? What are the relative advantages and the disadvantages of being a technopreneur?

You must be very sure of what you want. The people that are willing to take on this roll are the people who usally make a huge amount of money in the long run because of the risk they take and to have a good person at the top to lead is a must for complete success. By putting up a small business you will also make money jusy not large sums as quick or as much but it is what the person wants to take on and how much responsiblity they are willing to have put on there shoulders.
Once a person decides what kind of business they want to be in then it is time for them to start there job of getting everything in order such as the advertising,what products they are going to promote and what kind of place they need to have to do this and get all there work force in place with everyone knowing what there job is and how they are suppose to carry it out and then and then only they will start to profit and make money.

Some tips in starting a Technopreneurial Venture:

Before you start a technological business, you need to assess your understanding of the business as well as your readiness and ability to manage the proposed venture.
It is important to possess the following:
a. Some previous work experience or skills appropriate to your business.
b. Knowledge of your products/service and the market for it.
c. Understanding of the relationship between product knowledge of technological goods and the disciplines of marketing, production, finance and administration.

Starting a business and nurturing it takes a lot of time and effort. Ask yourself these questions:

a.) Will I be dedicated to this venture?
b.) How much of my time and myself can I commit?
c.) Can I manage the stress on myself and my family and friends at the start-up stage?
d.) How can I manage my time effectively?

Characteristics of Technopreneurship:

The tasks that technopreneurs must face when starting up, developing and managing a new business are enormous.
The technopreneur often finds it difficult to fulfil all the necessary management roles effectively.
They may be skilled and effective in design, research and development, production and selling but may lack the experience in business administration, including financial matters.

A succesful entrepreneurship is the one who: is motivated and who is able to motivate those around him/her, is able to manage time effectively, has the ability to leverage off strengths and overcome weaknesses, manages resources well, considers health as well as wealth, is flexible and able to adapt well to change, and is willing to learn from others.

3. Would you take the same career path that Steve Jobs took? Why or why not?

We all know that Steve Job is a successful business man. He is famous. And good in handling business, He is a risk-taker. Yes, I want to take the same career of Steve Job. I am inspired of what he is, especially I am an Information Technology Students. I have the opportunity to do the same like Steve Job. I can be like him. But I don't want to follow his bad attitude. I don't like the way he treated his employee's as I watched the movie, Job is very strict with his employee's. Jobs regularly misses appointments. He acts without thinking and with bad judgement. He does not give credit where due. Jobs often reacts ad hominem. He makes absurd and wasteful decisions by trying to be paternal. He interrupts and doesn’t listen. He does not keep promises or meet commitments. He makes decisions. Optimistic estimates.
Jobs is often irresponsible and inconsiderate. Like what he did to his employee's, he did not consider them as a human. If I am the employeer, I will give enough time to them to relax so that they can work the program easily without pressure. I will give them time to think.
Steve’s bad temper has notoriously caused him to break important business relationships. He fired Raskin after he learned about the note.

There are indeed several accounts of Steve getting angry at random employees and firing them on the spot for trivial reasons. Steve Job is a perfectionist, he doesn't mind what people may talk about him. Steve will only settle for the absolute best in everything he does (even in his private life, for that matter). This standard of excellence drives many of his employees crazy, but, as stated above, it also pushes them to their very best and make them achieve extraordinary performances. If an employee is not able to meet Steve’s standards, he will not hesitate to fire him — hence many of his critics. But he always had excellent relationships with exceptionally bright people for the same reason: they understand his quest for the best.

The secret of success is doing things that you like. And doing things that you really love. You have to follow your dreams. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. In the long run, we only hit what we aim at. And most of all never never give up.

Things that I should remember:
Always be positive. Think Success, not Failure. Beware of a negative environment. Take action, goals are nothing without action. Never stop learning, becoming a life long learner would benefit us. Be Persistent and Work Hard: Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Never give up. Deal And Communicate With People Effectively: No person is an island. Learn to understand and motivate others.
Successful people develop and nurture a network and they only do that by treating people openly, fairly and many times firmly. There is nothing wrong about being firm – just don’t cross the a-hole line. Be Honest And Dependable: Take responsibility. Creating mutually beneficial relationships with other people is not only important for our social well-being but also for any kind of success we seek to achieve. It is by giving and taking that we open these doors to new, and sometimes unexpected, great opportunities. The are multiple roots causing attitudes of negative expectations. Negative expectations in life tend to create self fulfilling prophesies. If our mindset reflects an attitude of “I can’t possibly do or achieve that”, chances are that these predictions will become a reality. People with generally negative expectations often feel that life is a constant struggle and the next negative event is just around the corner.

Here are some tips for being a successful human being who has a successful life:
Love People, Use Things.
People who become "successful" and miss a successful life are those who love things and use people. Be sure to put people as a priority for your life.
Take time off.
Life isn't just about work. There is so much else to experience here in this life, and unfortunately, too little time to enjoy it.
Be a life-long learner.
I truly believe that we become better people as we learn. Take time throughout your life to grow and learn and become a better person.
Keep a sense of humor.
People who laugh are a gift to the world. Don't take yourself or your circumstances to seriously. Learn to look on the bright side and see the humor in situations.
Honor your commitments.

This is a key to a successful life. We live this life based on commitments we make toward one another. Those who honor those commitments are those who will be respected and trusted by others.

You should be passionate about work; at least you should like what you are doing else your output will not be as good as it could have been which is unfavorable while setting up and running a business. All you need is a positive approach towards it and then the work will continue smoothly sans any interruptions. But if you lack these simple attributes, it would be impossible for you carry on with it and eventually, you will be limp and unresponsive of everything around you. This situation can be easily averted only if you are disciplined, efficient at time management and possess that right positive attitude towards life.

We all need to start seeing the world from a different perspective. I can say that Steve Job had the best characteristic of being an entrepreneur. But he's lack of a good attitude. And I really don't admire his action or his behavior. He is self-centered. He always think what is right for him, he did not consider his employee's and other people. He's lack of effective communication skills especially the people that surrounds him.
Put purpose, passion, prosperity and peace into your life by dedicating yourself to self-improvement and service to others.

The passion of work of Steve Job is really amazing. He really worked hard, and it help us today. Especially in technology matters. I know that there were many young people today will become like Steve Job. We have to encourage them to have some good characteristic of him.

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